Overview & Greetings

Porsche is a brand that is to be called the designer's design brand.

Porsche's philosophy of prioritizing the traditional heritage value of sports mobility gives designers a lot of inspiration. It was fortunate to be able to conduct the PBL class in cooperation with Porsche Korea because the vision of Intelligent Dynamic Mobility pursued by Porsche and the learning goal of our PBL convergence class matched perfectly well.

‘Future of Sport Mobility’, the topic of the class in 2022, We wanted to think about Porsche’s future sports mobility vision together. Both students and faculty were able to proceed very interestingly by melting various ideas and future visions into the Porsche brand heritage within the subject.

The 15-week class was a combination of theoretical and practical design learning, brand research, technology research, and weekly design critiques were conducted simultaneously. We guided students to think, research, and prototyping on their own, and will complete the subject of the project with their own interpretation in line with the learning goal of Project Based Learning.The fact that Porsche led the 3 intermediate and final evaluations with a lot of interest from the beginning to the entire process seems to have had a motivational and booster effect in the students' desire to complete the work in a wonderful way.

This project was participated by 15 students in 5 teams who really enjoyed every moment and poured their passion into it. It was a very rewarding class from the aspect of teaching, and I applaud all the students who participated this year. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to Porsche Korea, CEO Holger, and the  team members who were kind enough to host this program.

Porsche 는 디자이너의 디자인 브랜드 라고 불릴 정도로 디자이너들에게 선망이 되는 브랜드입니다. 

스포츠 모빌리티의 전통적 헤리티지 가치를 최우선으로 여기는 Porsche 의 철학을 이어오는 기업정신은 디자이너들에게 많은 영감을 줍니다. Porsche가 추구하는 인텔리전트 다이나믹 모빌리티 ( Intelligent Dynamic Mobility) 비전과 저희 PBL 융합 수업의 개설의도가 너무나 잘 맞았기 때문에 Porsche와 협력하여 수업을 진행 할 수 있다는건 큰 행운이었습니다. 

2022년도의 수업 주제인 ‘Future of Sport Mobility’  Porsche의 미래 스포츠 모빌리티 비전을 함께 고민해 보고자 했습니다. 주제 안에서 다양한 아이디어와 미래 비전을 포르쉐 브랜드 헤리티지를 녹아내는 작업으로 학생들과 교수진 모두가 매우 흥미롭게 진행할 수 있었습니다. 

15주간 진행된 수업은 이론과 실습이 병행되는 수업으로 브랜드 연구와 테크놀러지 연구, 매주 디자인 크리틱을 병행하며 진행 하였습니다. 학생들이 스스로 고민하고 연구하며 프로토타이핑 해 볼 수 있도록 가이드를 주며 Project Based Learning 이라는 수업 의도와 맞게 프로젝트의 주제를 본인만의 해석과 연구로 완성 해 나가도록 하였습니다. 포르쉐 측에서 시작부터 과정 내내 많은 관심으로 3번의 중간,최종 평가를 리드해 주신점도 학생들이 멋지게 작품을 완성하고자 하는 마음에 동기부여와 부스터 효과가 있었던것 같습니다. 

이번 프로젝트는 5팀 총 15명의 학생들이 정말 매순간 즐기면서 열정을 쏟아내는 작업이었던 같습니다. 지도하는 입장에서도 매우 보람된 프로젝트 수업이었으며, 참여한 모든 학생들에게 큰 박수를 보냅니다. 마지막으로 함께해 주신 포르쉐 코리아와 Holger 대표님, 진행을 맡아주신 팀원분들께 감사의 마음을 전합니다.

Judge Comment

Imagining the future today will create our tomorrow and who is better suited than the next generation of talented designers to shape new ideas into a vision that can become reality. With this project, we asked the Hongik University students to challenge the status quo of Motorsports from a product, spectator, and environment perspective and at the same time, we wanted to inspire their work through our brands sports car heritage and its constant evolution.

When going through the work of the students, I hope you can feel the inspirational power of their ideas, their cross functional team spirit and immense energy they have put into their work and that I was able to experience along the exciting journey in our various meetings and project progress sessions.

Thanks to the Hongik University Students, Professor Sook Yeon Kim and Professor Jun Hyuck Eoh for providing your glimpse into the future.

Special Thanks

Porsche Korea

Holger Gerrmann

Anna Kim

Heesu Kwon

SeokJae Lee


Seung Hyuck Baek

Young Jin Bock

- Holger gerrmann , Porsche Korea CEO -
